
Monday, April 2, 2012

B is for...

When I first signed up for the A to Z challenge, I tried to think through the first four letters of the alphabet, just to make sure I did some planning.  I was having trouble deciding what B would become.  Maybe bread, I do love baking bread.  Maybe brownies, one of my biggest weaknesses.  Or perhaps beer (okay, maybe this ties brownies in the weakness category).  Really though, it became obvious to me at the beginning of February what I would write for this post.

The things is, I haven't been drinking any beer lately (although I have increased my brownie consumption), because B is for Baby! Today I am 13 weeks pregnant with my third child.  They say that every pregnancy is different, but until now, I had no reason to believe it.  My first two were pretty easy going, at least in the beginning, while this one has been fairly rough.  I had two small scares (if any scare can really be considered small), but I had a sono today and everything looks good.  So I'm really happy to be celebrating B today, and sharing this news with all of you.
My first two babies - Photo by Linda Hughes Photography


  1.'re babies are so cute! Congratulations on #3, and here's to smooth sailing from here on out. Mmmm...brownies. : )

  2. Yay for baby 3! I think these two have set the bar for cute :-) Great job so far on your A-Z challenge. I'm enjoying your posts.

  3. Congratulations! How could B be anything else?! Your first two are just adorable! And don't be drinking any of that other "B" (beer) for awhile :)

  4. They look so ADORABLE. I thought about doing B for my three boys, but I might have to incorporate them another way. Love your 'B' post!

  5. Congrats on your good news. You are so right that every pregnancy is different. The children are all so different, too. I have six, and they are all so unique. Enjoy your family.

  6. Add me to the list of those offering congratulations on your good news.

    What beautiful children you have - you are blessed. And what a lovely "B" topic.

    Jenny @ Pearson Report
    Co-Host of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.

  7. Congrats, honey!!! why didn't you say something sooner?

    1. Thanks! We wanted to wait until I was into my 2nd trimester.

  8. Congratulations on #3. Your boys are beautiful! Hope your pregnancy goes well and again, Congratulations, this is a time for celebration!
